No more New Year's Resolution horror stories.

Everyone has a New Year Resolution horror story! The holidays are over and the New Year has come and everyone is asking "What is your New Year's resolution?"  Panic! You remember all the previous resolutions to...lose weight, or to quit smoking, or to be happy, etc...You start well and 2 weeks! We have all made those resolutions.It is only natural to look back at the things that went well in the previous year and those things that did not go so well. Hopefully we can make this year better than the last...but how?  What to do?  Perhaps we need to look at the whole resolution thing differently. Here are some thoughts to focus on.

Stay Positive.
Focus on what is right and true. Don't listen to the Naysayers.

Positive Self Talk.
Tell yourself encouraging things and stop telling yourself you can't. Tell yourself that you can and pretty soon, you will believe it.

Be a positive team player. 
Keeping it positive is good for you and it helps everyone around you be positive too. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

Avoid Negative Nellies.
Positive people attract positive energy and negative people attract negative energy. Ganhi said, " I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet."

Stay Thankful.
Every day look for something to be thankful for. Even if it is simply that you are alive. Make it a habit.

Find your "WHY".
Find your purpose and remember it. We get burned out when we forget why we are doing something.

Look for opportunities to Love.
You don't have to be great to love but you must love, serve and be great.

Love the process.
Rome was not built in a day and there is no such thing as an instant success. Enjoy the process, experience every moment and you will love what the process produces.

Conserve energy.
Things like gossip, negativity, holding onto the past, fearing the future, fretting over things that are out of your control all waste precious energy. Remember the serenity prayer, "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

Eat better. 
Healthy does not come from a package. Eat more whole foods. You know, fruits and veggies, salads, and avoid processed foods. Foods that are God made and not man made.

More sleep.
Our bodies regenerate and heal while we sleep. If you want to be your best, you need to give your body what it needs... caffeine does not replace sleep.

Golden rule: No complaining. 
My daughter came home from kindergarten and said " You get what you get and don't throw a fit!"

Make a difference. 
Chasing success rarely works. Do what is right  consistently and success will find you.

Live with passion. 
Don't seek happiness, let it find you. Live life to the fullest with love, passion and purpose...happiness will find you.

Sometimes we must experience the good, the bad and the evil to experience the sweet taste of victory. Trust something good will come. Everything happens for a reason and sometimes change is painful.

When you fall...get up.
Every experience  in life refines us. Take advantage of the learning that happens when you fall. Get up and try again. Maybe the next time you won't fall.

Read more.
Readers are leaders. Everyone has at least 5 minutes a day to read. You say no? Leave your book or magazine in the bathroom and I am sure you will find a few minutes every day to look at it.

Make friends.
We are made for relationship. We are happier and more productive when we have friends. So ask a coworker to share coffee and a chat.

Focus on life's gifts.
Train yourself to say " I get to do this or that" rather than "I have to do this or that" Life is a gift not an obligation.

Smile and laugh more. 
Find things to laugh at...even if it is yourself. We all take ourselves too seriously. Laughter is a natural anti-depressant.

Enjoy the ride. 
You get one ride through life. The ticket to adventure is in your hand. Make the best of it. Don't waste it. Enjoy the ride. All Aboard!!

Do one thing to make a difference.
Above all, don't stress over doing everything right. If you do just one thing to make a positive change, and it works, you are better. Take one thing at a time and become better, one day at a time.

Happy New Year.
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